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    浏览次数: 54
    GTX61883SOD2 antibody [EPR2560Y],
    Chen ZMol Cell BiolEAF2 Suppresses Hypoxia-Induced Factor 1α Transcriptional Activity by Disrupting Its Interaction with Coactivator CBP/p300中国科学院
    GTX46373ERVWE1 antibody,
    Huang QCell Mol Life SciReduced syncytin-1 expression in choriocarcinoma BeWo cells activates the calpain1-AIF-mediated apoptosis, implication for preeclampsia西安交通大学
    GTX13855TLR2 antibodyGuo MEur J PharmacolBaicalin inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced apoptosis by regulating TLR2 and TLR2-related apoptotic factors in the mouse mammary glands吉林大学
    GTX86951Caspase 3
    (cleaved Asp175)
    Guo MEur J PharmacolBaicalin inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced apoptosis by regulating TLR2 and TLR2-related apoptotic factors in the mouse mammary glands吉林大学
    GTX13855TLR2 antibodyGuo MEur J PharmacolBaicalin inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced apoptosis by regulating TLR2 and TLR2-related apoptotic factors in the mouse mammary glands吉林大学
    GTX86951Caspase 3
    (cleaved Asp175)
    Guo MEur J PharmacolBaicalin inhibits Staphylococcus aureus-induced apoptosis by regulating TLR2 and TLR2-related apoptotic factors in the mouse mammary glands吉林大学
    GTX75740TLR4 antibody
    Tang YEur J PharmacolProtective effect of cryptotanshinone on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice吉林大学第一医院
    GTX17798XPF antibody
    Wei ZHGeneA nonsense mutation in the Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group F (XPF) gene is associated with gastric carcinogenesis上海交通大学
    GTX75740TLR4 antibody
    Feng XInflammationProtective Effect of Carvacrol on Acute Lung Injury Induced by Lipopolysaccharide in Mice.广东海大研究中心
    GTX109048CD130 antibodyZhang YJ Cancer Res Clin OncolTumor self-seeding by circulating tumor cells in nude mouse models of human osteosarcoma and a preliminary study of its mechanisms第四军医大学
    GTX108673BEX2 antibody
    Meng QJ Mol NeurosciBex2 Controls Proliferation of Human Glioblastoma Cells Through NF-κB Signaling Pathway徐州医学院
    (Dengue virus 2)
    Zou JJ VirolDimerization of Flavivirus NS4B Protein中国科学院
    GTX100443E-cadherin antibodyLi XLab ChipMicro-scaffold array chip for upgrading cell-based high-throughput drug testing to 3D using benchtop equipment清华大学
    GTX108370P Glycoprotein
    Chen SMol BiosesystProteomic analysis of the proteins that are associated with the resistance to paclitaxel in human breast cancer cells西安交通大学
    GTX116046MRP1 antibody
    [N1N2], N-term
    Chen SMol BiosesystProteomic analysis of the proteins that are associated with the resistance to paclitaxel in human breast cancer cells西安交通大学
    GTX113463hnRNP C1/C2
    Chen SMol BiosesystProteomic analysis of the proteins that are associated with the resistance to paclitaxel in human breast cancer cells西安交通大学
    GTX113834SET antibodyChen SMol BiosesystProteomic analysis of the proteins that are associated with the resistance to paclitaxel in human breast cancer cells西安交通大学
    GTX115082Transgelin 2
    antibody [N1C3]
    Chen SMol BiosesystProteomic analysis of the proteins that are associated with the resistance to paclitaxel in human breast cancer cells西安交通大学
    GTX74290TGN46 AntibodyMalinouski MNat CommunGenome-wide RNAi ionomics screen reveals new genes and regulation of human trace element metabolism中国科学院大学
    GTX213111-01Mouse IgG
    antibody (HRP)
    Xie LNitric OxideInhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) at high altitude on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau中国科学院
    GTX111088HSP70 1A antibodyGong HParasitol IntCharacterization and binding analysis of a microneme adhesive repeat domain-containing protein from Toxoplasma gondii中国农业科学院
    GTX110256MX1 antibody
    [N2C2], Internal
    Chi ZScand J ImmunolCathelicidin Antimicrobial Peptide LL-37 in Cholesteatoma Enables Keratinocyte Reactivity with Cytosolic DNA复旦大学
    GTX85593Alkaline Phosp-
    hatase Colorim-
    etric Assay Kit
    Ding HStem Cells DevDimethyloxaloylglycine Increases the Bone Healing Capacity of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells by Promoting Osteogenic Differentiation and Angiogenic Potential上海第六人民医院
    GTX114486IDH3A antibodyYang CToxicol LettThe role of NAD(+)-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 subunit α in AFB1 induced liver lesion福建农林大学
    GTX100927Angiopoietin 2
    Chen HHVasc CellEffect of the vascular endothelial growth factor expression level on angiopoietin-2-mediated nasopharyngeal carcinoma growth浙江大学医学院
    GTX124374Atp2a2a antibodyZhang YAquat ToxicolPhenanthrene exposure causes cardiac arrhythmia in embryonic zebrafish via perturbing calcium handling厦门大学
    GTX108431BRAK antibody
    Cao QBiochem Biophys Res CommunGenetic deletion of Cxcl14 in mice alters uterine NK cells中国科学院
    GTX113927JAB1 antibody
    Xu GPBiochem Biophys Res CommunRig-G negatively regulates SCF-E3 ligase activities by disrupting the assembly of COP9 signalosome complex上海交通大学
    GTX115102COPS3 antibodyXu GPBiochem Biophys Res CommunRig-G negatively regulates SCF-E3 ligase activities by disrupting the assembly of COP9 signalosome complex瑞金医院
    GTX62594BDNF antibody [EPR1292]Li XBrain DevDibutyl phthalate-induced neurotoxicity in the brain of immature and mature rat offspring重庆医科大学
    GTX128091BrdU antibodySun JBrain ResWIN55, 212-2 promotes differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells and improve remyelination through regulation of the phosphorylation level of the ERK 1/2 via cannabinoid receptor 1 after stroke-induced demyelination中国药科大学
    GTX16667Ki67 antibody
    Bao LCancer LettMicroRNA-21 suppresses PTEN and hSulf-1 expression and promotes hepatocellular carcinoma progression through AKT/ERK pathways第二军医大学
    GTX22242Annexin II antibodySun YCarcinogenesisAnnexin A2 is a discriminative serological candidate in early hepatocellular carcinoma浙江大学医学院
    GTX46373ERVWE1 antibody,
    Huang QCell SignalSyncytin-1 modulates placental trophoblast cell proliferation by promoting G1/S transition西安交通大学
    GTX63081c-Fos antibody [EPR883(2)]Cheng JChemosphereNeurobehavioral effects, c-Fos/Jun expression and tissue distribution in rat offspring prenatally co-exposed to MeHg and PFOA: PFOA impairs Hg retention上海交通大学
    GTX30142FANCD2 antibodyLiu RChin Med J (Engl)Diagnosis of Fanconi anemia in children with atypical clinical features: a primary study首都儿科研究所
    GTX109630SHARP2 antibody [N1N2], N-termJia YFDiagn PatholDifferentiated embryonic chondrocyte-expressed gene 1 is associated with hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and Ki67 in human gastric cancer济南市中心医院
    GTX108391Syntenin 1 antibody
    [N1], N-term
    Yu YEur J NeurosciSyntenin-a promotes spinal cord regeneration following injury in adult zebrafish汕头大学医学院
    GTX75742TLR4 antibody
    Hu KEur J PharmacolAlpinetin inhibits LPS-induced inflammatory mediator response by activating PPAR-γ in THP-1-derived macrophages中南大学湘雅三医院
    GTX118514C10orf46 antibody [N1C3]Kong YInt J Biochem Cell BiolHelicobacter pylori promotes invasion and metastasis of gastric cancer cells through activation of AP-1 and up-regulation of CACUL1西安交通大学
    GTX13824Aurora A antibody
    Yang GInt J CancerRAS promotes tumorigenesis through genomic instability induced by imbalanced expression of Aurora-A and BRCA2 in midbody during cytokinesis上海复旦大学医学院
    GTX26528pan Cadherin
    antibody [CH-19]
    Labbé AInvest Ophthalmol Vis SciCorneal nerve structure and function in patients with non-sjogren dry eye: clinical correlations北京同仁医院
    GTX113928PIM2 antibodyYu ZJ Biol ChemProviral insertion in murine lymphomas 2 (PIM2) oncogene phosphorylates pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2) and promotes glycolysis in cancer cells上海交通大学
    GTX112794Fibronectin antibody [N1N2], N-termYang WJ Biomed Mater Res ATitania nanotubes dimensions-dependent protein adsorption and its effect on the growth of osteoblasts重庆大学
    GTX104189HMBOX1 antibody
    Feng XJ Cell SciThe telomere-associated homeobox-containing protein TAH1/HMBOX1 participates in telomere maintenance in ALT cells中山大学
    GTX75742TLR4 antibody
    Fu YJ EthnopharmacolMagnolol inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory response by interfering with TLR4 mediated NF-κB and MAPKs signaling pathways吉林大学
    GTX20179Aggrecan antibody [HAG7E1]Tian HTJ Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med SciConstruction of self-assembled cartilage tissue from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells induced by hypoxia combined with GDF-5同济大学医学院
    GTX109242Arginase 1
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX41466Dectin-1 antibody
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX41467Dectin-1 antibody
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX41471Dectin-1 antibody
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX41473Dectin-1 antibody
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX42985Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (PE)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX42986Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (PE)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43454Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (FITC)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43455Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (FITC)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43456Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (FITC)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43457Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (FITC)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43894Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (Biotin)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX43895Dectin-1 antibody
    [2A11] (Biotin)
    Guo ZJ ImmunolAntisense oligonucleotide treatment enhances the recovery of acute lung injury through IL-10-secreting M2-like macrophage-induced expansion of CD4+ regulatory T cells同济大学医学院
    GTX28220CD18 antibody
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX75788CD18 antibody
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX75789CD18 antibody
    [MEM-148] (Biotin)
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX75790CD18 antibody
    [MEM-148] (FITC)
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX75791CD18 antibody
    [MEM-148] (PE)
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX75792CD18 antibody
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX80008CD18 antibody
    [MEM-148] (APC)
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX80009CD18 antibody
    [MEM-148] (PE)
    Li NJ ImmunolDistinct binding affinities of Mac-1 and LFA-1 in neutrophil activation中国科学院
    GTX26640F4/80 antibody
    Bian ZJ Lipid ResCCN1 expression in hepatocytes contributes to macrophage infiltration in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice上海交通大学医学院
    GTX41205F4/80 Antigen
    antibody [CI:A3-1]
    Bian ZJ Lipid ResCCN1 expression in hepatocytes contributes to macrophage infiltration in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in mice上海交通大学医学院
    GTX100911Cyclin B1 antibodyCheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX102809CDC25C antibodyCheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX108120CDC2 antibody
    [N1], N-term
    Cheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX108784alpha Tubulin
    Cheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX111392WEE1 antibody
    [N3C2], Internal
    Cheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX62173Securin antibody [EPR3240], N-termCheung AKMol Cancer TherPolo-like kinase inhibitor Ro5203280 has potent antitumor activity in nasopharyngeal carcinoma香港大学
    GTX85338Mouse IgG (H+L) antibody, preads-
    orbed (Cy3)
    Tao ZMol NeurobiolThe influence of NaIO(3)-induced retinal degeneration on intra-retinal layer and the changes of expression profile/morphology of DA-ACs and mRGCS第三军医大学
    GTX124261EV71 antibodyXu LMonoclon Antib Immunodiagn ImmunotherMonoclonal antibodies for diagnosis of enterovirus 71苏州大学医学院
    GTX115305SETDB1 antibody
    [N1], N-term
    Chen JNat GenetH3K9 methylation is a barrier during somatic cell reprogramming into iPSCs中国科学院
    Receptor beta
    Yin YNeurobiol DisGlucocorticoid receptor β regulates injury-mediated astrocyte activation and contributes to glioma pathogenesis via modulation of β-catenin/TCF transcriptional activity无锡人民医院
    GTX85593Alkaline Phosph-
    atase Colorimetric
    Assay Kit
    Ding HPLoS OneHIF-1α transgenic bone marrow cells can promote tissue repair in cases of corticosteroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head in rabbits上海交通大学
    GTX70103ATM antibody
    Wu CWPLoS OneMicroRNA-18a attenuates DNA damage repair through suppressing the expression of ataxia telangiectasia mutated in colorectal cancer香港中文大学
    GTX70103ATM antibody
    Zhang XPLoS OneIdentification of 5-Iodotubercidin as a genotoxic drug with anti-cancer potential上海交通大学
    GTX115262Peroxiredoxin 6
    Liu ZProteome SciProteomic analysis of the inhibitory effect of epigallocatechin gallate on lipid accumulation in human HepG2 cells清华大学
    Xiang RBraz J Med Biol ResThe miR-17-92 cluster regulates FOG-2 expression and inhibits proliferation of mouse embryonic cardiomyocytes重庆医科大学
    GTX62500Hmgb3 antibody [EPR2838]Wang LLCancer Biother RadiopharmHigh-mobility group boxes mediate cell proliferation and radiosesensitivity via retinoblastoma-interaction-dependent and -independent mechanisms苏州大学附属第一医院
    GTX115044HA Tag antibodyWang XCancer SciCalcineurin subunit B upregulates β-interferon production by phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 3 via Toll-like receptor 4北京师范大学
    GTX29106Myc tag antibodyWang XCancer SciCalcineurin subunit B upregulates β-interferon production by phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 3 via Toll-like receptor 4北京师范大学
    GTX29110HA tag antibodyWang XCancer SciCalcineurin subunit B upregulates β-interferon production by phosphorylation of interferon regulatory factor 3 via Toll-like receptor 4北京师范大学
    GTX110241MCM3 antibodyGuo LCell Death DifferHistone demethylase Kdm4b functions as a co-factor of C/EBPβ to promote mitotic clonal expansion during differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes上海复旦大学医学院
    GTX110586CDC45L antibody
    Guo LCell Death DifferHistone demethylase Kdm4b functions as a co-factor of C/EBPβ to promote mitotic clonal expansion during differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes上海复旦大学医学院
    GTX116011DNMT1 antibody
    [N1], N-term
    Xu XDiagn PatholThe expression patterns and correlations of claudin-6, methy-CpG binding protein 2, DNA methyltransferase 1, histone deacetylase 1, acetyl-histone H3 and acetyl-histone H4 and their clinicopathological significance in breast invasive ductal carcinomas吉林大学
    GTX213110-01Rabbit IgG antibody (HRP)Liu KGeneMolecular cloning and characterization of the sheep α-TTP gene and its expression in response to different vitamin E status中国科学院
    GTX119718Stk31 antibodyBao JHistochem Cell BiolSTK31(TDRD8) is dynamically regulated throughout mouse spermatogenesis and interacts with MIWI protein上海交通大学
    GTX22244RAC2 antibodyZou WInflamm ResAKT-mediated regulation of polarization in differentiated human neutrophil-like HL-60 cells南方医科大学
    GTX118514C10orf46 antibody
    Kong YInt J Biochem Cell BiolThe deoxycholic acid targets miRNA-dependent CAC1 gene expression in multidrug resistance of human colorectal cancer西安交通大学
    GTX77859RAX antibodyLi WBInvest Ophthalmol Vis SciDevelopment of retinal pigment epithelium from human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells and microRNA signature天津医科大学
    GTX59862RFP (dsRed)
    Liu KJ Cell BiochemCoordinate lentiviral expression of Cre recombinase and RFP/EGFP mediated by FMDV 2A and analysis of Cre activity厦门大学
    GTX118514C10orf46 antibody
    Kong YJ Mol NeurosciExpression of the newly identified gene CAC1 in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease patients西安交通大学
    GTX20070HPV16+HPV18 E6 antibody [C1P5]Shi MJ PatholGlucocorticoid regulation of a novel HPV-E6-p53-miR-145 pathway modulates invasion and therapy resistance of cervical cancer cells中国医学科学院
    GTX102965p53 antibodyLou SJ VirolHuman parvovirus B19 DNA replication induces a DNA damage response that is dispensable for cell cycle arrest at phase G2/M西安交通大学
    GTX100446p27 Kip1 antibodyZhang YYMol EndocrinolDown-regulation of type I Runx2 mediated by dexamethasone is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis上海复旦大学
    GTX70327Human Endogen-
    ous Retrovirus
    Gao YPLoS OneIncreased expression and altered methylation of HERVWE1 in the human placentas of smaller fetuses from monozygotic, dichorionic, discordant twins中山大学附属第一医院
    GTX16898n-Myc antibody
    [NCM II 100]
    Jin YPLoS OneNovel functional MAR elements of double minute chromosomes in human ovarian cells capable of enhancing gene expression哈尔滨医科大学
    GTX100642CD36 antibody
    Kouadir MPLoS OneCD36 participates in PrP(106-126)-induced activation of microglia中国农业大学
    GTX213110-01Rabbit IgG
    antibody (HRP)
    Xie HPLoS OneFunctional studies of MLC1 mutations in Chinese patients with megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts北京大学第一医院
    GTX213111-01Mouse IgG
    antibody (HRP)
    Xie HPLoS OneFunctional studies of MLC1 mutations in Chinese patients with megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts北京大学第一医院
    GTX36364Influenza A matrix
    protein antibody
    Qu BVirus ResHuman intestinal epithelial cells are susceptible to influenza virus subtype H9N2南京大学医学院
    GTX100118GAPDH antibodyWang QVirus ResRegulation of hepatitis C virus translation initiation by iron: role of eIF3 and La protein浙江大学医学院
    GTX113555SSB antibodyWang QVirus ResRegulation of hepatitis C virus translation initiation by iron: role of eIF3 and La protein浙江大学医学院
    GTX118895EIF3A antibody
    [N1N2], N-term
    Wang QVirus ResRegulation of hepatitis C virus translation initiation by iron: role of eIF3 and La protein浙江大学医学院
    GTX23200L1CAM antibody
    Cheng LBiochem Biophys Res CommunElevated invasive potential of glioblastoma stem cells上海交通大学
    GTX41287Collagen I antibodyBao JCell TransplantConstruction of a portal implantable functional tissue-engineered liver using perfusion-decellularized matrix and hepatocytes in rats四川大学华西医院
    GTX75819IgG4 antibody
    [HP6025] (HRP)
    Wang WClin RheumatolPredominance of IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses of autoantibodies to peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in rheumatoid arthritis中国医学科学院
    GTX78419IgG4 antibody
    Wang WClin RheumatolPredominance of IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses of autoantibodies to peptidylarginine deiminase 4 in rheumatoid arthritis中国医学科学院
    GTX70103ATM antibody
    Luo KJ Biol ChemOligomerization of MDC1 protein is important for proper DNA damage response同济大学医学院
    GTX24045#N/AWei YJ Cell Mol MedType-specific dysregulation of matrix metalloproteinases and their tissue inhibitors in end-stage heart failure patients: relationship between MMP-10 and LV remodelling中国医学科学院
    GTX100573PARP1 antibodyZhao JJ ProteomicsInteractome study suggests multiple cellular functions of hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF).上海复旦大学
    GTX77199Guinea Pig IgG
    (H+L) antibody
    Wang GPLoS OneIntranasal delivery of cationic PLGA nano/microparticles-loaded FMDV DNA vaccine encoding IL-6 elicited protective immunity against FMDV challenge中国农业科学院
    GTX75819IgG4 antibody
    [HP6025] (HRP)
    Wang WPLoS OneIdentification of natural bispecific antibodies against cyclic citrullinated peptide and
    immunoglobulin G in rheumatoid arthritis
    GTX78419IgG4 antibody [HP6025]Wang WPLoS OneIntranasal delivery of cationic PLGA nano/microparticles-loaded FMDV DNA vaccine encoding IL-6 elicited protective immunity against FMDV challenge中国医学科学院
    GTX71489NMUR2 antibodyYang GAnim Reprod SciThe regulatory mechanism of neuromedin S on luteinizing hormone in pigs南京农业大学
    GTX14544#N/ALi FArteriosescler Thromb Vasc BiolSonic hedgehog signaling induces vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation via induction of the G1 cyclin-retinoblastoma axis中国医药大学
    GTX26992CTGF antibodyWang JCArthritis Res TherAttenuation of fibrosis in vitro and in vivo with SPARC siRNA复旦大学
    GTX27475Donkey serumXie MHistochem Cell BiolEMMPRIN (basigin/CD147) is involved in the morphogenesis of tooth germ in mouse molars上海第九人民医院
    GTX16842beta Tubulin
    antibody [DM1B]
    Xie FJ NeuroimmunolCD40 is a regulator for vascular endothelial growth factor in the tumor microenvironment of glioma苏州大学医学院
    GTX27287beta Tubulin
    antibody [DM1B]
    Xie FJ NeuroimmunolCD40 is a regulator for vascular endothelial growth factor in the tumor microenvironment of glioma苏州大学医学院
    GTX29106Myc tag antibodyYang XMol Biol RepPlk1 phosphorylation of Topors is involved in its degradation四川大学
    GTX23930Diablo antibodyTian JPLoS OneExpression of baculovirus anti-apoptotic genes p35 and op-iap in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) enhances tolerance to verticillium wilt中国农业大学
    GTX61173hTERT antibody
    [Y182], C-term
    Liu YTissue Eng Part C MethodsEnhancement of long-term proliferative capacity of rabbit corneal epithelial cells by embryonic stem cell conditioned medium中山大学
    GTX72424Factor VIII related
    antigen antibody
    Xu YAnticancer ResChitosan nanoparticles inhibit the growth of human hepatocellular carcinoma xenografts through an antiangiogenic mechanism浙江大学
    GTX76061CD11b antibody
    [MRC OX-42] (PE)
    Zhao ZGlycoconj JLactosyl derivatives function in a rat model of severe burn shock by acting as antagonists against CD11b of integrin on leukocytes南京师范大学
    antibody [SOM-018]
    Liu FJ NeurosciBrain injury does not alter the intrinsic differentiation potential of adult neuroblasts复旦大学
    GTX11056COMP antibody [MA37C94
    Li NCancer Epidemiol Biomarkers PrevDiscovery of novel biomarkers in oral submucous fibrosis by microarray analysis湘雅医院
    GTX21877#N/AYing CJBiomed Environ SciROS-related enzyme expressions in endothelial cells regulated by tea polyphenols华中科技大学
    GTX21877#N/ALi QJ Biol ChemA death receptor-associated anti-apoptotic protein, BRE, inhibits mitochondrial apoptotic pathway香港中文大学
    GTX30124HIF1 alpha antibodyLiu XPathophysiologyHypoxic preconditioning of cardiomyocytes and cardioprotection: phophorylation of HIF-1alpha induced by p42/p44 mitogen-activated protein kinases is involved中国解放军总医院

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