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    ENZO热销产品——Oxytocin(催产素) ELISA kit

    浏览次数: 49

    催产素(Oxytocin )是一种神经生理肽,在下丘脑室旁核产生并储存在垂体后部。该分子由9个氨基酸组成,用一个[1-6]二硫键和一个半灵活的羧基酰胺化尾巴连接。催产素是一种曾经被认为仅限于女性平滑肌生殖生理的激素,目前的研究结果已经确定,催产素也作为一种神经递质发挥作用,可能参与神经精神障碍、社会性行为,并在男性生殖生理方面具备重要功能。催产素和相关的神经垂体肽精氨酸加压素,维持肾脏水钠平衡。

    ENZO Oxytocin ELISA kit是一种比色竞争法酶免疫检测试剂盒,过夜 + 1 小时可以得到检测结果。在405nm处读取吸光度。


    ● 超灵敏检测,可检测低至 15pg/ml 催产素


    ● 高性价比的解决方案,比 LC/MS 方法更快、成本更低

    ● 广泛的文献引用




    ADI-900-153A-0001/ ADI-901-153A-0001


    Oxytocin ELISA kit(催产素ELISA试剂盒)


    96 wells/ 5x96 wells


    15 pg/ml


    15.6-1000 pg/ml


    Overnight + 1 hour


    Species independent


    Mesotocin (7%), Oxytocin (100%), Arg8-Vasotocin (7.5%), and<0.02% for other related molecules


    culture supernatants, milk, plasma, and serum from any species. Validated sample types include 

    cerebral spinal fluid, saliva, tissue and urine


    Store all components at +4°C, except standard and conjugate at -20°C


    GxR IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, 

    pNpp Substrate, Stop solution



    1. A weighted blanket increases pre-sleep salivary concentrations of melatonin in young, healthy adults: E.M.S. Meth, et al.; J. Sleep Res. 32, e13743 (2023) 

    2. Advances in human oxytocin measurement: challenges and proposed solutions: B.A. Tabak, et al.; Mol. Psychiatry 28, 127 (2023) 

    3. Osmoadaptive GLP-1R signalling in hypothalamic neurones inhibits antidiuretic hormone synthesis and release: M.P. Greenwood, et al.; Mol. Metab. 70, 101692 (2023) 

    4. Altered hormonal patterns in borderline personality disorder mother-child interactions: J. Bonfig, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 143, 105822 (2022) 

    5. Association between salivary oxytocin levels and the amygdala and hippocampal volumes: Q. Shou, et al.; Brain Struct. Funct. 227, 2503 (2022) 

    6. Correlations between behavior and hormone concentrations or gut microbiome imply that domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) living in a group are not like ‘groupmates': H. Koyasu, et al.; PLoS One 17, e0269589 (2022) 

    7. Early Postpartum Maternal and Newborn Responses to Auditory, Tactile, Visual, Vestibular, and Olfactory Stimuli: R.W. Traut, et al.; J. Obstet. Gynecol. Neonatal Nurs. 51, 402 (2022) 

    8. evalsuating the neuropeptide-social cognition link in ageing: the mediating role of basic cognitive skills: R. Polk, et al.; Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 29, 377 (2022) 

    9. Excessive follicle-stimulating hormone during ovarian stimulation of cattle may induce premature luteinization of most ovulatory-size follicles: Z.L. Clark, et al.; Biol. Reprod. (2022) 

    10. Identification of oxytocin expression in human and murine microglia: Y. Maejima, et al.; Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry 119, 110600 (2022)

    11. Improvement of several stress response and sleep quality hormones in men and women after sleeping in a bed that protects against electromagnetic fields: E.D.D. Cerro, et al.; Environ. Health 21, 72 (2022) 

    12. Infant Stimulation Induced a Rapid Increase in Maternal Salivary Oxytocin: K. Minami, et al.; Brain Sci. 12, 1246 (2022) 

    13. Is oxytocin a trust hormone? Salivary oxytocin is associated with caution but not with general trust: Q. Shou, et al.; PLoS One 17, e0267988 (2022) 

    14. Oral Supplementation with L-Carnosine Attenuates Social Recognition Deficits in CD157KO Mice via Oxytocin Release: T. Tsuji, et al.; Nutrients 14, 803 (2022) 

    15. Oxytocin modulates sensitivity to acculturation and discrimination stress in pregnancy: A.C. Incollingo Rodriguez, et al.; Psychoneuroendocrinology 141, 105769 (2022)


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